(b)log Book

A Response to “Real Women’s Day”
The conversation continues, from scholastic programs, to collegiate and masters programs, to the Olympics. Gender identity policies are in flux, under attack, and relying on both science and skepticism.

Revealing the Hidden Voices in Rowing
Rower and author Daniela Nachazelova is back with a new book, Hidden Voices in Rowing, that takes you on a journey that looks at the values and best practices of incredibly inspirational people that she met along her journey in search of the perfect stroke.

Bored on the Erg? Change Your Perspective – and Your Goals
Holly Austin (Ready Set Row) and Jim Dietz (All American Row Camp) help break down mental ruts and how to shift the way you approach time spent on the erg.

Years that Answer
At the beginning of the lockdown, all kinds of team rowers were thrust into the same global club of the brokenhearted. Feeling cast adrift, I often took walks just to peer into the windows of our shuttered boathouse.
virtual indoor rowing workouts
The past year has seen a huge demand for virtual indoor training. Looking for individual coaching, group classes for motivation and camaraderie, or on-demand workouts? Check out our list of opportunities.

2020: In 2, WAY ENOUGH
In a year dominated by a global pandemic that altered the way we do everything, it’s hard to even count January and February as part of the same calendar year. Its like 2020 is all about what happened from March 1 to December 31. We saw a small sliver lining when we met, became friends, became business partners, and together launched Steady State Network.

The Freedom to row
I used to be clueless about the military. 20 years of living in D.C. and meeting active duty officers and veterans through rowing has opened my eyes.

celebrating the stories that bring us together
Picture the world’s largest regatta. The sidewalks jammed with rowers, coaches, coxswains, fans and dignitaries. You will see a massive variety of styles, heights, builds, experience, and stories of how they all came together. When I imagine the full breadth of Steady State Network, I imagine celebrating that flow of consciousness all around the sport of rowing.

can we talk about “us”?
SSN Co-Founder Rachel Freedman shares her perspective about the rowers, coaches, coxswains, and personal motivations that are driving her in the launch and development of Steady State Network.