Chiro Joe: Back Pain and Injury Prevention

This episode was made possible in part by Live2Row Studios, Breakwater Realty, RowSource, and our Patrons.

We challenge our listeners to "Ask us Anything." When a very specific question came in about back pain, we didn't feel like we 100% had the authority to answer it. So show co-host Rachel Freedman called up her chiropractor, Dr. Joe Henderson to get his insights.

Together we delve into causes of rowers' back pain, injury prevention, managing expectations, stretching, and considering other pain points like forearms and hip flexors.

For an in-depth look at this topic, we highly recommend Will Ruth’s series Rowing Injuries: Understanding, Preventing, and Managing available from Rowing Stronger.


00:00 - Episode lead-in
00:54 - Co-hosts Tara Morgan and Rachel Freedman talk about their own back pain and experiences with chiropractors
07:35 - Dr. Joe Henderson on managing expectations when working to prevent injury
08:51 - Listener question: "I experience back pain when sweeping but not sculling..."
12:59 - Rachel’s journey to chiro care
15:29 - Mitigating pain through stretching and mobility
20:50 - Take time off and see a doctor
22:40 - Steady State Network events and initiatives

Steady State Podcast is written, produced, hosted, and edited by Rachel Freedman and Tara Morgan. Tara provides additional audio engineering and is our sponsor coordinator. Rachel manages the website, social media, and e-newsletter. Our theme music is by Jonas Hipper.


Feet, Seats, and Finding Comfort on the Erg