The SUPPORTER sponsor package is perfect for your business if you want to get word out about an up-coming event or have a time-sensitive message to share with our audience. As a Supporter, you help sponsor a single episode of Steady State Podcast.
Steady State Podcast: Pre-Roll Host-Read Ad during 1 episode
Coffee Chat on Instagram Live: Host mention of your business*
Website: Sponsor banner logo placement*
E-Newsletter: Sponsor banner logo placement and a mention*
*One time only, the week your episode drops.
The SUPPORTER sponsor package is perfect for your business if you want to get word out about an up-coming event or have a time-sensitive message to share with our audience. As a Supporter, you help sponsor a single episode of Steady State Podcast.
Steady State Podcast: Pre-Roll Host-Read Ad during 1 episode
Coffee Chat on Instagram Live: Host mention of your business*
Website: Sponsor banner logo placement*
E-Newsletter: Sponsor banner logo placement and a mention*
*One time only, the week your episode drops.
The SUPPORTER sponsor package is perfect for your business if you want to get word out about an up-coming event or have a time-sensitive message to share with our audience. As a Supporter, you help sponsor a single episode of Steady State Podcast.
Steady State Podcast: Pre-Roll Host-Read Ad during 1 episode
Coffee Chat on Instagram Live: Host mention of your business*
Website: Sponsor banner logo placement*
E-Newsletter: Sponsor banner logo placement and a mention*
*One time only, the week your episode drops.